Is it a good time to start a new business?

At the moment, there are a lot of stores that are closing but I think over the next few months, there will be a void in the market and many small stores will open to offer the products and services which were once offered by some of the large stores going under.

A lot of people are getting laid off from companies and if they have worked in that company for a long time, they might get a reasonable size severance package. If there are no jobs out there, some of those unemployed people may look at the downturn as an opportunity to open a store.

I think that this will take place when a former employee believes that we are at or near the bottom of the recession. Based on predictions in the paper, this could be in 6 to 9 months’ time. I believe that people will start opening stores when they believe the economy will not get any worse. They may be able to get a bargain on the rent since there will be a lot of vacancies. Their costs will be lower than if they opened a new store today.

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Enhance Joomla! website usability with HTML5 Flipping Book Joomla Component!

This flipping book extension is intended for both Joomla website owners and regular users: it allows creating realistic and personalized content for a website without sacrificing site design in favor of high Search Engine ranking and presenting information in a new and interesting manner.

HTML5 based publications are indexed by search engines; runs on all mobile devices (IPhones, iPads, Androids, tablets and smartphones); doesn’t require any additional software and plugin installation and are supported by all modern browsers (Safari 5, Chrome 16, Firefox 10, IE 10, 9, 8).

There are a variety of ways to use Joomla Flipping Book component:

• It can be used by business owners for creating product catalogues, flyers and brochures;
• By photographers, designers and make-up specialist for making e-portfolios and digital magazines;
• By eLearning specialists for converting studying materials into online books;
eCommerce owners for performing product prices
• Regular people to present their photos in a surprising way.

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Free HTML5 – Flow Slider – Joomla Component

WMT Flow Slider is a HTML5 Image Gallery for Joomla 2.5 and 3.0. This gallery is using the GPU (hardware acceleration), the rendering speed and performance is impeccable on desktop computers and most importantly on mobile devices.

This HTML5 gallery comes with 2 different styles. You can make your own skin with custom buttons. Buttons are actually images (.png or .jpg) so you can replace them with your own graphics, the button graphics can be have a different shape, basically the look of this gallery can be completely modified.

1. Install WMT Flow Slider Gallery
WMT Flow Slider installs like any other Joomla Component . If you are not familiar with Joomla Extensions installation, you can watch short video tutorial about how to install joomla extensions.

2. WMT Flow Slider Gallery Configuration
WMT Flow Slider has administrator configuration component where you can add new images, change dimensions and templates

To access administrator configuration component navigate: Components –> WMT Flow Slider.

First screen shows items that are added to WMT Flow Slider

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