Copywriting tricks that boost click-through rates in banner ads

Alright, digital wordsmiths and click-hungry marketers, strap in! We’re about to embark on a wild ride through the world of banner ad copywriting. We’re talking tricks so slick, they’ll make your click-through rates higher than a cat on catnip.

But first, let me regale you with a tale from the trenches of banner ad warfare. Picture this: It’s 2013, and I’m working with a client who sells… wait for it… artisanal, hand-crafted banana slicers. (Yes, that’s a thing. No, I don’t know why people can’t use a regular knife, but here we are.) We crafted what we thought was the perfect banner ad. It had a picture of a sad-looking, unevenly sliced banana and the headline “Tired of Asymmetrical Fruit?” We thought we were geniuses.

The result? Our click-through rate was lower than the chances of winning the lottery while being struck by lightning… twice.

Turns out, nobody was lying awake at night worrying about the symmetry of their sliced bananas. Who knew?

So, how do you write banner ad copy that doesn’t just get ignored like a vegetarian at a barbecue, but actually gets clicks? Well, grab your favourite caffeinated beverage (or a glass of wine, I don’t judge), and let’s dive into some mistakes to avoid and copywriting tricks that’ll boost your click-through rates faster than you can say “You won’t believe what happens next!”

  1. The Power of ‘You’: Make It Personal, Baby

First things first, let’s talk about the most magical word in advertising: ‘You’. It’s like the secret sauce in a Big Mac, the extra shot in your espresso, the… okay, you get the point. It’s important.

Using ‘you’ and ‘your’ in your copy makes your reader feel like you’re talking directly to them. It’s like making eye contact in a crowded room. It grabs attention and creates a connection.

Instead of: “Great deals on shoes!” Try: “Your perfect shoe is waiting for you!”

See the difference? The first one sounds like it’s shouting into the void. The second one? It’s like a personal shopper whispering in your ear.

I once worked on a campaign for a dating app. We changed the copy from “Find love today” to “Your soulmate is just a click away”. Click-through rates doubled faster than you can say “swipe right”. Turns out, people like feeling special. Who knew?

  1. Create Urgency: FOMO Is Your Friend

FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out, is more powerful than a cup of coffee at 11 PM. It’s that nagging feeling that if you don’t act now, you’ll miss out on something amazing. And let me tell you, it works like a charm in banner ads.

Words and phrases that create urgency include:

  • Limited time offer
  • Only 3 left in stock
  • Sale ends tonight
  • Act now

Instead of: “Big sale on flights” Try: “Last chance: 50% off flights – Ends at midnight!”

The first one is about as exciting as watching paint dry. The second one? It makes you want to whip out your credit card faster than you can say “impulse purchase”.

I once worked on a campaign for a tech gadget. We changed the copy from “New smartwatch now available” to “Only 100 smartwatches left – Will you be one of the lucky few?” Our click-through rate shot up faster than you can say “early adopter”. Turns out, people love feeling exclusive. Who knew?

  1. Numbers Game: Get Specific or Go Home

People love numbers. They’re specific, they’re concrete, and they make your offer feel more tangible than a politician’s promises.

Instead of: “Save money on your next vacation” Try: “How to save $523 on your dream vacation”

The first one is vague and forgettable. The second one? It’s specific and intriguing. It makes you think, “Huh, I wonder how they came up with that number?”

I once worked on a campaign for a fitness program. We changed the copy from “Lose weight fast” to “Lose 7 pounds in 7 days”. Our click-through rate increased by… you guessed it, 7%. Okay, it was actually more than that, but I couldn’t resist the symmetry.

  1. Ask a Question: Curiosity Didn’t Just Kill the Cat, It Also Boosts CTR

Questions are like mental itches. Once they’re in your head, you just have to scratch them. Use this to your advantage in your banner ad copy.

Instead of: “Best pizza in town” Try: “Is this the best pizza you’ve ever tasted?”

The first one is a claim that’s easy to ignore. The second one? It plants a seed of curiosity that’s hard to resist.

I once worked on a campaign for a mystery novel. We changed the copy from “New thriller now available” to “Can you solve the mystery before the last page?” Our click-through rate doubled faster than you can say “whodunit”. Turns out, people love a challenge. Who knew?

  1. Use Power Words: Emotionally Charged Language for the Win

Certain words have the power to evoke strong emotions and prompt action. These are your secret weapons in the battle for clicks.

Some power words to consider:

  • Free (the most powerful word in advertising)
  • Exclusive
  • Guaranteed
  • Secret
  • Instant
  • New

Instead of: “Good deal on gym membership” Try: “Exclusive offer: Free 30-day gym pass – Instant access!”

The first one is about as exciting as a wet sock. The second one? It’s packed with power words that make you want to click faster than you can say “New Year’s resolution”.

I once worked on a campaign for a cookbook. We changed the copy from “New recipes available” to “Unlock the secret to mouthwatering meals”. Our click-through rate increased faster than you can say “Bon appétit!”. Turns out, people love feeling like they’re in on a secret. Who knew?

  1. Solve a Problem: Be the Hero They Need

People are constantly looking for solutions to their problems. If your banner ad can position your product or service as the answer to their woes, you’re golden.

Instead of: “Buy our vacuum cleaner” Try: “Never struggle with pet hair again!”

The first one is a command that’s easy to ignore. The second one? It identifies a common problem and promises a solution. It’s like catnip for pet owners with furry floors.

I once worked on a campaign for a productivity app. We changed the copy from “New time management app” to “Turn your chaotic day into stress-free success”. Our click-through rate increased faster than you can say “inbox zero”. Turns, out, people love solutions more than they love products. Who knew?

  1. Use Social Proof: Because Nobody Wants to Be the First Lemming Off the Cliff

Humans are social creatures. We like to know that others have tried something before we take the plunge. Use this to your advantage in your banner ad copy.

Instead of: “Try our new face cream” Try: “Join 10,000+ women who’ve found their perfect skin solution”

The first one is asking people to be guinea pigs. The second one? It’s inviting them to join a successful, satisfied crowd.

I once worked on a campaign for an online course. We changed the copy from “Learn to code” to “Over 50,000 students can’t be wrong: Learn to code now”. Our click-through rate increased faster than you can say “Hello, World!”. Turns, out, people love being part of a crowd. Who knew?

  1. Make a Bold Claim: Go Big or Go Home

Sometimes, you need to make a statement so bold, so outrageous, that people can’t help but click to see if it’s true.

Instead of: “Good running shoes” Try: “The running shoe so comfortable, you’ll forget you’re wearing them”

The first one is forgettable. The second one? It’s a claim so bold, you have to click to see if it’s legit.

I once worked on a campaign for a mattress company. We changed the copy from “Comfortable mattresses” to “The mattress so good, you’ll time travel to morning”. Our click-through rate shot up faster than you can say “What year is it?”. Turns out, people love a good hyperbole. Who knew?

  1. Use Humor: Laughter Is the Best Medicine (And Pretty Good for CTR Too)

A little humor can go a long way in making your banner ad stand out from the sea of serious, salesy ads out there.

Instead of: “Pest control services available” Try: “We make bugs check out permanently”

The first one is dry and forgettable. The second one? It’s a little dark, a little funny, and a lot more likely to get clicked.

I once worked on a campaign for a dating app for tall people. We used the headline “Because the weather up here is fine”. Our click-through rate grew faster than an SEO-optimized website. Turns out, people appreciate a good pun. Who knew?

  1. Keep It Short and Sweet: Because Ain’t Nobody Got Time for War and Peace in a Banner Ad

In banner ads, space is at a premium. You need to get your message across in as few words as possible. It’s like Twitter, but with even less room for rambling.

Instead of: “Click here to learn about our amazing new product that will revolutionize the way you think about cleaning your house” Try: “Clean smarter, not harder”

The first one is a novel that nobody’s going to read. The second one? It’s short, snappy, and intriguing.

I once worked on a campaign for a time management app. We changed the copy from a long explanation of features to simply “Time: Found”. Our click-through rate increased faster than you can say “Where did the day go?”. Turns out, people appreciate brevity. Who knew?

Wrapping It Up (In 50 Characters or Less)

So there you have it, folks – copywriting tricks that’ll make your banner ads more clickable than a pen in a boring meeting. Let’s recap:

  1. Make it personal with ‘you’
  2. Create urgency (FOMO is your friend)
  3. Use specific numbers
  4. Ask intriguing questions
  5. Employ power words
  6. Solve problems
  7. Leverage social proof
  8. Make bold claims
  9. Use humor (carefully)
  10. Keep it short and sweet

Remember, writing great banner ad copy is like telling a joke – timing is everything, and you need to know your audience. And sometimes, you might bomb. But when you get it right? It’s pure magic.

Now go forth and write banner ad copy so good, people will actually look forward to seeing ads. And if you ever find yourself writing copy for artisanal, hand-crafted banana slicers… well, give me a call. I’ve got some ideas.