What are the Steps Involved in NetSenses’ Website Development Process?

What are the Steps Involved in NetSenses' Website Development Process?

In East Virginia’s busy digital world, NetSenses is a bright nebula for companies trying to make their mark on the Internet. NetSenses has been a participant in business life since 1993 and represents the company trying to fill a gap in serving by providing clients with individual web solutions that will suit each one personally. Let’s take an overview of custom website development using services from NetSenses so we ensure no project has been just done for no reason but finished being important.

Step 1: Discovery and Strategy Development

Understanding your Vision: Every great website begins with a dream. 1st session In the first one, we clarify your business objectives and what you want to achieve on a website through this initiative. It’s a mental state where your mind meets knowledge.

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What Services Does NetSenses Offer in Website Development?

What Services Does NetSenses Offer in Website Development?

If you are a small or medium-sized business located in Eastern Virginia and looking for a partner to develop your online presence, then another company from Arlington, VA, that could help is NetSenses. 1999, this company has been on the cutting edge of designing lively and efficient sites for various customers. But what exactly can NetSenses do for you and your business? Let’s dive in.

Understanding Your Business

NetSenses is special because the company does not just create websites; it builds your business’s digital identity. They begin by thoroughly understanding how your business functions, who you target, and exactly what it is that you require. Your website will be not only a digital brochure, but the true extension of your brand with this holistic approach.

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5 Steps To Promoting Your Local Business With Digital Marketing

One of the best characteristics of digital marketing is that it provides opportunities for businesses that range from the largest worldwide brands to small, one-person local businesses. In other words, whether your marketing budget is 100 million dollars or 100 dollars, there are several means of marketing your business online available to you.

As much as we would like to think that the CEOs of the world’s largest corporations might be reading, we are humble enough to accept that our audience is more likely to contain owners of local businesses that operate within specific locations, including towns and city districts. As such, the specific digital marketing strategy that would suit these businesses is going to differ somewhat from that required by the likes of Ford, Pepsi, and Nike.

However, that does not negate the need for your digital marketing to be planned and implemented correctly and for that to occur, you need to follow a series of steps that take you from the decision to start, through to you seeing the results of the campaign. Below we have highlighted five core steps that we recommend every local business follows when seeking to market itself online.

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5 Essential Elements A High Converting Landing Page Must Have

We should start this post by clarifying what a landing page is. It is a term used within web design and online marketing that often confuses because what is a landing page to one business might not be to another. You will find that even within the professional ranks of web designers and online marketers there can be various definitions of a landing page.

For this post, we are defining a landing page as one which is designed to generate leads for a business. It is often a single page in a website that visitors land on (thus the term landing page) having clicked through either from a paid advertisement, from search results on Google or by clicking a link on another website which includes social media pages and other websites within the same business niche.

One thing which every website owner wants their landing page to do is to perform and achieve the objective they have set for it. From our definition we want our landing page to convert the visitor into a lead and that is achieved by them entering their details. This can be their name and email address or telephone number. To ensure that happens the landing page’s design should include these five elements.

One Single Purpose

One of the primary features of a landing page is that it should have one single and clearly identifiable purpose. What the purpose might be for each business will differ, but the key is that whatever it is, that is all the landing page should be designed to achieve. Whether that be to have someone enter their email, call the business directly, or complete a form with all the details of their needs, nothing else should interfere with that.


Whilst there may be several pages on your website where it is appropriate to include lots of content with some stretching to over 1,000 words of text, your landing page should not be one of them. It should be uncluttered, and the text should be short and to the point. Look at your landing page and if there is anything on it that is not required, nor contributes to the landing page’s objective, remove it.

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5 Google Ads KPIs You Must Monitor

Google Ads has many features that set it apart as one of the most effective ways of advertising online, and for many who use it, it is the data that Google provides within the advertiser’s dashboard which is the best. That is understandable because it is that data that allows them to turn a poorly performing ad into an exceptional one, due to changes made to the ad based on the performance data.

For some business owners, the Google Ads dashboard can seem like a conundrum of numbers which is why they hire a digital marketing agency to manage their Google Ads campaigns. However, whether that is how you go, or you have the confidence to manage your own Google Ads campaigns, certain pieces of data have greater significance than others.

These key performance indicators (KPIs) are the ones to focus on because it is what they tell you about your ad’s performance that allows you to make the changes that are required. We have selected five of these KPIs and explained why they are so crucial below.


Impressions are the number of times your ad has appeared or been displayed. Simple logic tells you that unless your ad appears no one is going to click on it. a further assumption could be that the more impressions your ad has the more clicks it will receive but there is a caveat to that. It will only get those additional clicks if the ad converts well so bear that in mind. Low impressions suggest your keyword targeting is off and that your keyword choices are not being searched for.

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Why Knowing Google’s Keyword Hierarchy Can Help You Improve Your Website’s Rankings

When it comes to improving the rankings of a website, SEO is the usual means to do so. Whether you do this internally or employ outside help in the form of an SEO agency, there will be a huge list of possible optimisations that need to be considered and implemented, some of which are a lot easier to achieve than others.

One of the reasons their so much to do is the fact that when Google’s algorithm is calculating where any single website should rank, it assesses numerous ranking factors. There is some argument over how many there are exactly, but the consensus is that it is at least 200 which are known, and speculation that there are several more which only Google is aware of.

Within the array of ranking factors, Google places a different weight or importance on each one than it does others. Near the top will be backlinks and user experience whilst some of the less important ones include domain age and the number of social media followers.

Integral to a lot of the ranking factors Google considers will be keywords. For every search that is entered, Google will apply its algorithm to each one using the ranking factors we have just discussed. As it does so, it will find keywords in different locations within and outwith a website.

A crucial point to understand here is that Google does not treat each location where a keyword is found equally. It has a hierarchy within its algorithm that gives more weight and thus more ranking juice to some locations than it does to others because it believes it is more difficult for website owners to achieve.

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